CyberMiles ewasm testnet

Deploy and test ewasm smart contracts via an interactive web3 console

The CyberMiles Public Blockchain runs an Ewasm testnet based on its blockchain software and Second State's SSVM. The easiest way to access the testnet is via Docker.

Start by pulling the Second State DevChain Docker image.

$ docker pull secondstate/devchain:devchain

You can now start the interactive console via Docker. Please note that the password is subject to change. Do not abuse it!

$ docker run --rm -it secondstate/devchain:devchain attach http://ewasm:3WAeT4CYSkMTAPuF@

We recommend you to create your own account and then give yourself a little CMTs from our faucet account (0x1bba632055efb57aa991a9b0e900194e2ea037ad).

// Create a new account
> personal.newAccount("mypass");

// Unlock the faucet account
> personal.unlockAccount("0x1bba632055efb57aa991a9b0e900194e2ea037ad", "3WAeT4CYSkMTAPuF");

// Transfer 5 CMTs from the facuet account to the newly created account
> cmt.sendTransaction({"from": "0x1bba632055efb57aa991a9b0e900194e2ea037ad", "to": "0xMY_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS", "value": web3.toWei(5, "cmt")})

// Unlock the new account
> personal.unlockAccount("0xMY_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS", "mypass");

Now you can follow the tutorial to deploy and test your ewasm smart contracts.

Run an ewasm smart contract

Last updated